Migrating to Microservices

how do teams migrate to microservices?

Organizations in many industries are increasingly adopting Microservices-based Software Architectures (MSAs) for designing, developing, testing and maintaining software systems, in order to scale-up their Development and Operations capabilities. However, transitioning to MSAs is easier said than done since:

  • Microservices are not a silver bullet
  • Changing Software Architectures are complex and time-consuming endeavours
  • Software Architecture transitions require changes in technical, organizational and human aspects

ICET-lab follows empirical approaches in investigating migrations toward MSAs through a Socio-Technical perspective. Contributions in this area include:

  • Decision-making processes for migrations to microservices.
  • Aggregated migration journey from various organizations and technical solutions used by practitioners.
  • Testing in microservices.
  • Mining repositories and job-ads to unravel the roles, responsibilities and skills of engineers working with microservices.


Hamdy Michael Ayas

Dr. Philipp Leitner